Introduction Blue Crossing tracks location, status and owner throughout each asset’s life cycle.
Receiving Blue Crossing tracks a new asset from order, to fulfillment, to shipping, to receiving, to inspecting. Problems? Blue Crossing covers RMA and reverse logistics. Assignment Users user can log in for a view of just the assets they have responsibility for. They can open service tickets, get problems fixed remotely, or ship the asset to the maintenance center if necessary. Once the asset has been provisioned, with software details recorded, it can be checked out to a user via barcoding system. Return When users no longer need their assigned assets, they must return them to the maintenance center to be scanned in. Everything is accounted for. Refurb The maintenance center cleans any user data and refurbishes the asset for the next user. No immediate need? The asset gets shipped to storage where it is tracked in-route and on the shelf. New User The ready-to-use asset can be assigned to a new user and shipped from the storage facility. Blue Crossing tracks the journey and assigns the barcode label to the new owner. Disposal All maintenance, software and firmware updates are tracked from the time the manufacturer issues a bulletin. At end-of support, the asset can be retrieved and disposed of to avoid performance problems and security issues. Wrap Up Blue Crossing’s asset manager was designed for integration with other solutions and can import data from almost any digital source. What is your organization using to track IT assets?